
Business Design Challenge

Connecting business that are facing challenges to academics who will compete to develop the winning solution

About the competition

What is the Business Design Challenge?

The Business  Design  Challenge  is  a  competition  that  seeks  to  combine  industry  and academia with  the  help  of  principles  from  design  thinking,  human-centred  design,  lean start-up, marketing, and traditional business consulting to help businesses in the Atlantic Canadian ecosystem deliver value to their users.

How does it work?

Our business owners will have the opportunity to work with the Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre to scope the challenges they are facing and determine the core issues that will be presented to the competing participants.
Participants in the program will be provided with the challenge and a timeline to develop a proposed solution that will be presented to the business at the conclusion of the challenge.

Each participant will receive a combination of online asynchronous learning, professional development seminars, workshops, culminating in deep one-on-one coaching and consulting to support them in the competition.
Solutions will be presented by each competing team to the company team. Winners will be selected and funded to implement the solution.


 If you are interested in learning more about competing in the challenge or if you are a business with a challenge you are looking to have solved inquire below. We will provide you with updates on the release and start date of the competition


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