
Sandbox Ignition Program

19octAll DaySandbox Ignition ProgramProgram typeIgnition Program

Event Details

We are giving students an opportunity to get their business ideas off the ground by proving seed funding, training, accessibility to mentors, and much more!

The Spark Zone is working with sandboxes across Nova Scotia to offer students working on a new business idea or a community project an amazing combination of programming, mentoring and financial support. The Sandbox Ignition program will provide students with access to training, resources, entrepreneurial ecosystems and opportunities to engage with mentors already in the industry. The deadline to register is October 18th with limited spaces.

Receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program, make new connections and create your own opportunity this summer!

Register here: https://smuniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aUYoL1AlVtUoFil

Contact us at: smuec@smu.ca


October 19, 2020 All Day(GMT-03:00)

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